Winter Ready
All types of weather can affect you, those around you, and your property. Make sure you're prepared by checking our seasonal tips and advice.
The Great British weather presents different challenges in different seasons. It's not just winter weather which can wreak havoc on the roads - rain at any time of the year can be dangerous. In fact, 9 out of 10 weather-related deaths and serious injuries on the roads take place in the rain.
From high winds, strong sunlight and fog to snow and ice, all weathers can present different challenges both for keeping the travel networks open and for those navigating through the difficult conditions.
Don't take chances. To find out more about travelling safely during extreme weather use the links below:
- Information for drivers
- Your roads in winter
- Gritting map - Treatment of snow and ice
- Weather cameras - check out the road conditions before you travel
- Clearing your path or driveway - the snow code
- Driving in severe weather
- Top tips to reduce the chances of breaking down in cold weather
- Top car tips in the extreme cold - DIY fixes to try
- What to pack in your emergency breakdown kit
- Check disruption on your route before you travel using the Cumbria Police Traffic Map

Flooding is one of Cumbria's highest priority risks. Events which have happened around the country demonstrate the frequency and severity of floods in the UK, highlighting the need to plan and prepare.
Floods can sometimes happen without any warning, or you may not live in a flood risk area, so you may not be notified by a flood alert or warning before one affects you.
In this case, or in the case of experiencing a non-weather-related flood, click the links below to find the information and support you need:
- Flooding and severe weather advice and information
- Preparing for Emergencies
- Find out if you're at risk of flooding
- Sign up for flood warnings
- Watercams - cameras broadcasting live from UK's waterways looking at river heights, rainfall data, tide times and weather (please note this is a third party website and Cumbria County Council is not responsible for any of the content on the website)
- The Flood Hub - a one-stop shop for flood information and resources to support householders, businesses and communities in becoming more flood resilient
- What to do in a flood
- What to do in a power cut
- Flooding - protecting your property and reacting to flood risk
- How to get your home and property winter ready
For general flooding advice and to find out what you should do before, during and after a flood, call the floodline 0345 988 1188.
During the colder months when we’re spending more time at home, having guests to stay, cooking more and putting on the fire, it's important our homes are as safe from fire risks as possible.
Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service has lots of useful information and advice on their website from how to plan an escape route, cooking safely and more. You can also complete an online home safety visit or request one in person.
Top tips:
- Make sure you have a working smoke alarm and test it weekly.
- Look after your chimney! Many people use open fires or log burners fitted to traditional chimneys. If you have a chimney, it’s vital that you keep it clean and in good working condition. Failure to maintain yours can result in a fire or other damage to your property.
- If you have a solid fuel appliance, such as a log burner, make sure you have a working Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarm. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that has no smell or taste. Breathing it in can make you unwell, and it can kill if you're exposed to high levels.
- Use candles safely. Candles are one of the most common causes of fires in the home. Candles burn with a naked flame and can quickly set fire to clothing and soft furnishings.
- Have an escape plan in place. It's important to think about how you and your family or guests would escape in the event of a fire in your home.
Visit Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service or call 0800 358 4777 for information and advice.