Health Ready

For more information about how to stay warm and well in winter, visit Age UK's website, call 0800 587 0668 or visit the NHS website.
Other useful links:
- How cold weather affects your health
- Six things you should do for your health and home this winter
- Keeping your home warm in winter
- Make sure you're receiving all the help that you're entitled to this winter - Learn how to make your home more energy efficient, improve your heating and keep up with your energy bills.
- There is also more information on how to keep warm on our website.
Seasonal winter vaccinations
Vaccinations are safe and effective at protecting people from infectious diseases. Some people are more at risk of becoming seriously ill from infectious diseases than others.
To find out more about how seasonal winter vaccinations such as Covid 19, flu and pneumococcal vaccinations can help you stay well this winter, go to Seasonal vaccinations and winter health - NHS (
Winter Vaccines
Flu and coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines
There are some things you can do to help yourself stay well in winter. This includes getting your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.
It's important to get your seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccinations if you're at higher risk of getting seriously ill from these illnesses.
The flu viruses can change from one winter to the next. Flu vaccines are updated for each winter to give protection against the strains of flu that are most likely to be going around.
Protection from flu vaccination goes down with time so even if some of the strains are the same you should have a flu vaccine again each flu season.
Visit the NHS website for more information surrounding the flu and COVID-19 vaccinations and to find out how you can get them.
NHS services
The NHS is here to support you and you should still seek help if you need support with your mental or physical health.
Please choose wisely and use the most appropriate services for your needs:
- Visit NHS website or call 111 for 24-hour advice if you need help but aren't sure where to get it.
- Pharmacy - trained professionals can provide advice and guidance for many common conditions.
- GP - for ongoing or persistent medical issues.
- Urgent Treatment Centres - can help with urgent but not life-threatening issues.
- A&E - for life-threatening and serious emergencies only.
Other useful links:
- Feeling unwell? Choose the right service
- Norovirus - vomiting bug
- Wipe out winter tiredness - Feel sleepy when the days are shorter? You're not alone. Try these six ways to banish winter weariness.
- Protect yourself against winter illnesses
Mental health, wellbeing, and domestic abuse
Mental health and wellbeing
There are many things that can affect your mental health, particularly if you are dealing with financial problems. It's normal and there is help available.
If someone is in a mental health crisis and needs urgent help, they can call their local Crisis Team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
- People in North Cumbria can call 0800 6522 865. (Those who are Deaf/hard of hearing can text 0779 565 6226.)
- People in South Cumbria can call 0800 953 0110.
NHS psychological therapies services in Cumbria can provide treatments for a range of common mental health problems including depression, anxiety disorders and panic attacks, and post-traumatic stress disorder. You can refer yourself for support or ask your GP to make a referral for you.
For more details:
- Visit First Step North Cumbria
- Visit First Step South Cumbria
If you need to talk to someone urgently, the Samaritans are available 24/7 on 116 123.
Mindline Cumbria offers support and guidance about mental health over the phone on 0300 561 0000 or text 'Mind' to 81066. You can also go online and chat to trained professionals.
Togetherall is a service offering free online support to anyone aged 16 and over, 24/7 in North Cumbria. It provides online peer-peer support, access to an anonymous community and lots of information, as well as courses and resources covering a range of mental health and wellbeing topics.
Kooth is a free online service for young people over 11. Go to
Every Life Matters have produced a guide to looking after yourself and others. It contains practical information about things you can do now to look after your mental health and wellbeing, and how you can support others. Call 07908 537541.
There are also self-help guides provided by the Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust covering several topics including depression, domestic abuse, eating disorders or stress.
Useful links:
- Winter blues? - How to spot the warning signs of winter depression and tips to beat it
Staying safe from abuse
Everyone has the right to live safely without fear of violence or abuse.
Always call 999 in an emergency if someone is at immediate risk of harm.
If you, or someone you know is suffering from domestic abuse, help is available. Call 101, or report online at You can also contact Victim Support Cumbria on 0300 3030 157.
If you have significant concerns about a child, please contact the Cumbria Safeguarding Hub, on 0333 240 1727.
If you are concerned that an adult is at risk of abuse or neglect, please call our Cumberland team on 0300 373 3732
There is more information on the Cumberland Council website.
Bereavement support
The death of a loved one can be among the most difficult moments that any of us will face in our lives. If you've lost a loved one, you can get free specialist support by ringing the Cruse helpline on 0808 808 1677. More sources of support can be found within the Public Health section.
If you have been affected by the tragedy of suicide, whether you have lost a family member, friend or colleague then Suicide Bereavement Support (SBS) is here to help you.
Find out more at Suicide Bereavement Support or call/text 07572 975 721/07896 703 757. Alternatively, email
Find a Warm Spot near you
There are a number of warm spots open across Cumberland, providing a warm, welcoming space for people of all ages to visit this winter if they need it.
They are run by a range of different organisations including churches, village halls, local councils and libraries.
Find a Warm Spot near you
Concern for someone’s well-being
If you are concerned for someone’s wellbeing contact Cumberland Council’s health and social care team for more advice.
You can find out more on the council’s website.
Cost of living support
With the cost of living on the rise, there will be people who are struggling, whether that’s emotionally, financially or just because they need practical help to get in touch and seek support.
You might feel worried or find yourself in a position you have never experienced before, but please don’t wait for problems to get worse, there are many local organisations that can help you.
Useful links:
Homelessness and rough sleeping
You do not have to be sleeping on the streets or not have a roof over your head to be considered homeless.
If you need help or support please get in touch with the team for your area: